联系方式: lxchen18@swu.edu.cn; 277431970@qq.com
2018/10至今 副教授, 买球平台官方网站 买球平台官方网站
2017/07-2018/08 博士后, 香港浸会大学 物理系
2016/04-2017/05 联合培养博士, 香港浸会大学 物理系
2014/09-2017/06 博士,固态物理与化学,买球平台官方网站 买球平台官方网站
2007/09-2010/06 硕士,理论物理,买球平台官方网站 买球平台官方网站
2003/09-2007/06 学士,物理学专业,买球平台官方网站 买球平台官方网站
1. 重庆市教委科学技术青年项目(KJQN202200205),主持,2023-2025.
2. 重庆市留学归国人员创新支持计划(cx2020063),主持,2020-2023.
3. 买球平台官方网站引进人才计划项目(SWU120035),主持,2020.09-2023.09.
4. 重庆市自然科学面上项目(cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0586),主持,2020-2023.
5. 国家自然科学基金(11904298),主持,2020.01-2022.12.
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费(XDJK2019C052),主持,已结题.
7. 重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYB16056),主持,已结题.
1. J. L. Wu, Y. H. Hu, L. X. Chen*, Y. S. Zhao, Q. M. Zhang, W. Y. Ji*, P. Chen, Q. M. Zhang, W. Y. Jia, Y. L. Lei*, Universal Flexible Lamination Encapsulation Strategy toward Underwater-Operation Electroluminescence Devices. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 51175-51182.
2. Y. S. Zhao, Y. Yang, L. X. Chen*, H. H. Jiang, Y. H. HU, Z. J. Lan, Y. Q. Miao, Y. D. Wang, Y. L. Lei, F. R. Zhu, Single-Component Electroluminescent White Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots with High Color Rendition and Tunable Correlated Color Temperature. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023.
3. J. L. Wu, L. X. Chen*, Y. S. Zhao, Z. H. Xiong, W.Y. Ji*, and Y. L. Lei*, Temperature dependent recombination dynamics and electroluminescence characteristics of colloidal CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots. Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119, 073303. (82种nature index 之一)
4. Y. S. Zhao, J. L. Wu, L. X. Chen*, X. J. Qiu, X. W. Tan, Y. L. Lei*, Efficient Solution-Processed Green InP-Based Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes With a Stepwise Hole Injection Layer. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2022, 43, 410-413.
5. J. L. Wu, L. X. Chen*, X. W. Tan, Q. M. Zhang, Z. H. Xiong, Y. L. Lei*, Large Performance Enhancement in All-Solution-Processed, Full-Color, Inverted Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes Using Graphene Oxide Doped Hole Injection Layer. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 11617-11624.
6. Y. L. Lei, Y. S. Zhao, Q. M. Zhang, Z. H. Xiong, L. X. Chen*, Highly efficient and bright red quantum dot light-emitting diodes with balanced charge injection. Organic Electronics, 2020, 81, 105683.
7. 林旺;吴嘉琳;张巧明;雷衍连;陈历相*,基于掺杂空穴注入层的高性能全溶液加工量子点发光二极管.中国科学. 物理学, 力学, 天文学, 2020, 50,067301-1-067301-8.
8. L. X. Chen, Y. Lei, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W.J. Yao, and Z. H. Xiong, Magnetic field dependence of photocurrent in thermally evaporated rubrene-based devices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2018, 112, (82种nature index 之一)
9. L. X. Chen, M.-H. Lee, Y. Wang, Y. S. Lau, A. A. Syed, and F. R. Zhu, Remarkable Efficiency Improvement in Fully-transparent Vacuum-free Inverted Quantum Dot Light-emitting Diodes by Adopting Conjugated Polyelectrolyte as Interfacial Modifier. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 2596-2603.
10. L. X. Chen, Y. Lei, Q. Zhang, and Z. H. Xiong, Negative Magnetoconductance Effects in Amorphous Copper Phthalocyanine Thin Film: Trap-Assisted Bipolaron Formation, 2015, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 12056-12060.
11. L. X. Chen, W.Y. Jia, Y.B, Chen, J. Xiang, D.Y. Liu and Z. H. Xiong, Simultaneous Sign Change of Magneto-Electroluminescence and Magneto-Conductance in Polymer/colloidal Quantum Dot Nanocomposites, 2017, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 8128-8135.
12. L. X. Chen, Q. S. Chen, Y. Lei, W. Y. Jia, D. Yuan, and Z. H. Xiong, Investigation of Energy Transfer and Charge Injection in Hybrid Organic/Colloidal Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes by Magneto-Electroluminescence Measurement,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 22373-22378.
13. L. X. Chen, W.J. Yao, Z. J. Lan, X. Tang, F. R. Zhu, and Z. H. Xiong, Tuning the Polarity of Organic Magnetic Field Effects in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes by Incorporating a Colloidal Quantum Dots Thin Layer. Org. Electron., 2018, 55, 165-169.
14. M. H. Lee, # L. X. Chen, # N. Li, F. R. Zhu, MoO3-induced Oxidation Doping of PEDOT: PSS for High Performance Full-solution-processed Inverted Quantum-dot Light Emitting Diodes. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 10555-10561.
15. 中国专利:“一种用于柔性光电器件的防水封装方法”;陈历相;雷衍连;吴嘉琳,专利号:ZL202110626630.X; 公开日期:2023-6-4.
16. 中国专利:“基于掺杂连接层的溶液加工串联量子点发光二极管及其制作方法”;雷衍连,陈历相;专利号:ZL202011146881.X.;公开日期:2022-7-1.
17. 中国专利:“一种用于柔性场效应晶体管的聚合物介电层的制备方法(中国发明专利”;雷衍连;彭金雷;张巧明;陈历相;专利号: ZL2021107160266;专利授权公告日,2023.02。
2019年,指导本科生获 “国家级大学生创新创业训练计划”项目(1项)、“校级大学生创新创业训练计划”(1项);